Open to new challenges and an explorer in the realm of programming. Interests include artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cyber security. eager to learn more about them through practical experience. Experienced notably in Reactjs, Nodejs, MongoDB, Prisma, SQL and random forest, multiple regression algorithms and several technologies through various hackathons, society members and internships.
Tatva Wellness: Merging Yoga and Technology to provide tailored, remote Yoga instruction.
Leveraging skills in ReactJs (50%), GatsbyJs (50%), ReactNative (50%), Styled Components(50%), ReduxSaga(33%), Media-Queries(50%), Firebase integrations(30%) , Software Designing (30%) and other techs.
Start-up revolutionizing B2B transportation through Flying Chital (AATPL product) App/Web-App.
Designed Backend API’s using Node.js/Express.js (33%), SQL (Prisma) (50%), Session Management (50%),
Cookie-Parser (50%), Puppeteer (20%) with deploying endpoints using Jenkins (50%) and other technologies.