
geoist .

I'm a founding contributor at - a protocol focused on usability in web3.

Twitter: @geoist_


Safe Notifications

Keep your web3 community up to date with on-chain and off-chain notifications delivered directly from your Safe multisig.React, Flask, Python, Tailwind CSS, HTML/CSS, ENS, Push Protocol, IDriss

Progress Pool

Rewarding those who keep building.Truffle Suite, Hardhat, NEAR Protocol, Midjourney, Optimism, chatgpt, Mantle, Scroll, Near BOS, TAIKO

Cross-chain Gitcoin Donations

Donate to Gitcoin public goods from any major EVM chain and Bitcoin.Solidity, Hardhat, 0x, IDriss, BASE, EAS, Across

Crypto Trading Copilot

We're making it easier for users to track and replicate trades made by their favorite traders across platforms like Twitter and FarcasterRequest Network, remix, Smart Contracts, Celo, ENS, Optimism, Viem, Brian, Aleph Zero

