
geoist .

I'm a founding contributor at - a protocol focused on usability in web3. I'm also involved in governance of Tally Ho! wallet as a DAO delegate. I've been an early contributor to Liberland in 2017- the first crypto nation.

Twitter: @geoist_


Safe Notifications

Keep your web3 community up to date with on-chain and off-chain notifications delivered directly from your Safe multisig.React, Flask, Python, Tailwind CSS, HTML/CSS, ENS, Push Protocol, IDriss

Progress Pool

Rewarding those who keep building.Truffle Suite, Hardhat, NEAR Protocol, Midjourney, Optimism, chatgpt, Mantle, Scroll, Near BOS, TAIKO

Cross-chain Gitcoin Donations

Donate to Gitcoin public goods from any major EVM chain and Bitcoin.Solidity, Hardhat, 0x, IDriss, BASE, EAS, Across

