
Vinayak Gavariya

Hello, I'm Vinayak! My journey started with playing around with HTML back in high school. Later on, I stumbled upon, which opened doors to exciting open-source projects and tech communities like Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador and Google Developer Student Clubs.

Joining these groups completely changed my path. I organized workshops, assisted others, wrote blogs, and became deeply involved in the tech world. Transitioning from facing rejection to becoming a Gold Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador and taking on the role of BlueLearn's community manager has been a significant journey for me.

My passion lies in Machine Learning, and currently, I'm delving into data science while actively working on projects. Offline hackathons, like the recent one I contributed to called Hack This Fall and Witty Hacks, the two Major League Hacking Season Hackathons, really get me excited.

On another note, I've also explored blockchain, specifically Ethereum. I'm currently working on something called TechHunterssss, a community that connects beginners with mentors and opportunities to grow.



Hunter is a special tool in the Powerloom system that works specifically with Uniswap, a decentralized exchange. Its job is to take snapshots, like pictures, of the current state of things.JavaScript, Java, TypeScript, svelet

Krishi Mitra

You sow, we help growFlask, Postman, Python, Tailwind CSS, React.js, Vonage API, Open Ai API, Vector Databases




  • Cofiato - Junior Full Stack Developer
    June 2022 - August 2022

    •Developed and deployed high-quality components for client websites using Mantine, ReactJS, and effectively enhancing user experience and website functionality.

    •Demonstrated proficiency in Automation Testing using Cypress, ensuring code quality and minimizing bugs by successfully writing basic unit test cases for various projects.

    •Collaborated closely with the development team in an Agile environment, actively participating in code reviews, daily stand-ups, and project discussions to ensure efficient project execution and timely delivery.

    •Assisted senior developers in debugging and troubleshooting issues, actively contributing to the resolution of technical challenges and supporting the team in delivering projects on schedule.

    •Actively engaged in professional growth by staying updated with the latest trends and advancements in web development, attending relevant workshops and online courses.

    •Contributed to a collaborative and dynamic work environment, actively sharing ideas, insights, and expertise to drive innovation and achieve project goals at Cofiato.•Developed and deployed high-quality components for client websites using Mantine, ReactJS, and effectively enhancing user experience and website functionality. •Demonstrated proficiency in Automation Testing using Cypress, ensuring code quality and minimizing bugs by successfully writing basic unit test cases for various projects. •Collaborated closely with the development team in an Agile environment, actively participating in code reviews, daily stand-ups, and project discussions to ensure efficient project execution and timely delivery. •Assisted senior developers in debugging and troubleshooting issues, actively contributing to the resolution of technical challenges and supporting the team in delivering projects on schedule. •Actively engaged in professional growth by staying updated with the latest trends and advancements in web development, attending relevant workshops and online courses. •Contributed to a collaborative and dynamic work environment, actively sharing ideas, insights, and expertise to drive innovation and achieve project goals at Cofiato.
    Skills: JavaScript · React.js · Mantine ·

  • BlueLearn - Community Manager
    December 2021 - July 2023

    Bluelearn is a student community focused on Skill building and entrepreneurship. I joined BlueLearn at a very early stage when the community size was 6000 and now it's grown to 150,000+.

    • Joined BlueLearn at an early stage when the community size was 6,000, and actively contributed to its growth to over 150,000 members.

    • Organized and conducted various events, including guest lectures, workshops, live Q&A sessions, hackathons/ideathons, quizzes.

    • Played a key role in managing the community and implementing strategies to increase engagement among members.

    • Initiated and fostered partnerships with other communities and colleges, aiming to bring in more innovation and address gaps in the formal education system.

    • Collaborated with communities from prestigious institutions such as IITs, NITs, and other renowned colleges in India to establish partnerships and expand BlueLearn's reach.

    • Actively worked with the Tech, Design, and Product teams, gaining valuable exposure and contributing to the overall growth and development of the community.

    • Took part in partnership calls, representing BlueLearn and focusing on collaboration opportunities to drive growth and establish strong relationships with other communities and organizations.