I am a blockchain enthusiast and a keen learner of new technologies. I was a full time** Software Engineer at Razor Network working on DeFi making our own truely decentralized Oracle. I have a 1.5 year experience in this industry. I am a self learner and also a logical thinker, problem solving** is one of my hobbies. I have made projects using MERN stack. I am experienced in Java language and have knowledge of c++ and c also. I have participated in Facebook Hacker cup 2020 and cleared qualification round and TCS codevita season 9 and have reached round-2. I am strong at CS fundamentals and possess time management and leadership skills. I am also familiar with Solidity,Web3.js, SmartContracts, Ethereum, Mocha as part of technology.
I was the part of a team to develop the frontend of the application and learned flutter technology and assisted in designing an image upload component using dart language and flutter and other basic functionalities in home page under Mr.Padam as my mentor.
Razor Network is a decentralized oracle for defi. I was the part of the contracts team to develop their product. I have 1.5 years experience in Indsutry.
I was responsible for improving and adding some functions for the contracts in solidity and also to write the test cases for the same.
I learned writing smart contracts in solidity and to test using mocha framework and chai library. At initial level ganache and truffle was used.
Also became quite familiar with Hardhat and more importantly how a start up works.
I Increased the test coverage from 64% to 98%. Also got a basic idea of GETH which we were using to connect to chain.
I was also assigned to conduct internal audit of contracts where I was able to explore different types of attacks in smart contracts and how they can be prevented.
I also got a chance to go through and I completed reading the whole book namely "Mastering Ethereum".