
Gathin T

Intermediate Blockchain developer with experience in dApp development and smart contracts and used Ethers.js, Solidity, React.js, Hardhat, Alchemy and ChainlinkVRF extensively in building projects. I believe to be one of the fastest learners, with a solid engineering & development fundamentals.

Here are the list of few projects:

Voting DAO, (Using Moralis)
Built a voting DAO where holders of a specific NFT token can have access using ERC-721 tokenized smartcontract. The members have the right to vote on a proposal and also will be able to post a proposal. If there is a majority consensus on a proposal after the voting period has ended the DAO can then move forth onacting on the said proposal.
Tech Stack used: Moralis, Hardhat, Solidity, React.js, Ethers.js and web3UIkit

NFT Contract and Randomization, with On -Chain Metadata
Made a static SVG setup and used SVGNFT.sol & OpenZeppelin to use that SVG data.Created a ERC-721 Contract with functions to convert the SVG -> ImageURI and ImageURI -> TokenURI.Used ChainlinkVRF to Randomize the SVG data. Deployed to local Ganache for testing and deployed to Goerli testnet and successfully minted my NFT on Opensea.

FetchSet dApp
A decentralized application that facilitates Message Retrieval and Updation using ERC-20 Smartcontract.

Twitter clone built using Ethers.js where each tweet is a transaction in the blockchain. Deployed it to Truffle for testing.

Task Tracker
Built a task tracker app completely using React.js



Your One Stop Decentralized PortfolioSolidity, IPFS, React, MetaMask, JavaScript, Next.js, ethers.js, Ethereum, Polygon

Social Ledger

Social Ledger is a link-in-bio with collection of your onchain social profiles,ENS, NFTs, POAPs and also enabling notification services of onchain activities seamlessly.React, Node.js, GraphQL, ethers.js, Express.js, WalletConnect, Tailwind CSS, Polygon, Xmtp, AIRSTACK

