Hey !! I am Gyanesh and I am a first Year student doing BTech in ECE. I am a Web Enthusiast and in particular I like Web Development and Designing. I am currently in the frontend zone but aspire to be a full stack dev. I came to know abut this hacakathon pretty late but still I guess I'll be able to pull off. I am pretty comfortable with Web Designing and have done some projects too. I mainly use Figma and Adobe XD for that. Regarding Web Developement I have designed and coded my own website. Its a simple static one and I am still working on its features. Here is the link: https://www.romangdesign.me/ . Also I have created a slightly more upgraded version of rock, paper and scissors(https://github.com/GyaniRoman23/RockPaperScissors) and have designed and coded a GlassUI(https://github.com/GyaniRoman23/GlassLandingPage). And for the Design Projects, I am attaching a few files so that you can view it.