I'm a student in the pursuit of knowledge to make this world a better place to live. My areas of interest are robotics, programming and development, physics and economics. My goal in life is to apply my knowledge for solving problems such as climate change and pollution.
Decentralizing Voice, Empowering Words.Solidity, IPFS, MetaMask, Smart Contract, ethers.js, pinata, HTML/CSS, React.js, Hardhat, Polygon BlockchainDJournal
Decentralizing Voice, Empowering WordsSolidity, IPFS, MetaMask, Smart Contract, ethers.js, pinata, HTML/CSS, React.js, Hardhat, Polygon BlockchainDJournal
Decentralizing Voice, Empowering Words.Solidity, IPFS, MetaMask, ethers.js, pinata, HTML/CSS, Smart Contracts, React.js, Hardhat, Polygon BlockchainSkills
Raspberry Pi
Machine Learning