
Saksham Agarwal

My name is Saksham, I have studied in multiple fields, but the ones that stuck to me the most were Computer graphics with multiple projects in the same and Machine Learning. I am writing a Journal paper for my Machine Learning Projects. My main aim with this hackathon is to explore the new field of Etherum and Blockchains. I would go on to say I don't have any experience in the field but I have read articles about them and want to learn more in the same.


EveNFT: Portmanteau of Events and NFTs

Turn your community events into NFTs! EveNFT is a collaborative canvas on the blockchain where participants redeem tokens to edit. The final canvas is minted as an NFT and auctioned for charity!Solidity, React, Ganache, Truffle, Polygon, Chakra UI


Clip. Mint. Cherish. dClip a.k.a. Decentralised Clip is a social platform to upload your favourite clips and mint them into NFTs.Solidity, IPFS, Livepeer, React.js, Truffle, Chakra UI, moralis, alchemy


Machine Learning
Unreal Engine


  • Wsl Labs - Understudy or Intern
    August 2020 - Present

    Had to create ML models for creating learning pathways that are used to teach a person about a topic, this includes question generation , option generation, definition model and so on.

  • Hyper Reality - Intern