
Dhruva Bhattacharya

I am a student, aspire to learn more in artificial intelligence and machine learning, and also, I have a good knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript


Real Time Voice Cloning

This application is used for real-time voice cloning it works only when you provide the text to speak and give your own voice to train the model using pythonNumPy, OpenCV, Matplotlib, LibROSA, Python, Encoder, torch, vocoder, pathlib

Face Detection

The project that takes real-time video capture and tells that person is wearing a mask or notFlask, TensorFlow, Keras, scikit-learn, Machine Learning, pandas, Matplotlib, imutils, OpenCV-Python, face-detection

Baground generator

Made to help developer to choose basic colour combination for website in backgroundJavaScript, CSS3​, HTML5​

Face Detection

The project that takes real-time video capture and tells that person is wearing a mask or notFlask, TensorFlow, Keras, scikit-learn, OpenCV, pandas, Matplotlib, imutils, FlaskTensorFlowKerasscikit-learnMachine LearningpandasMatplotlibimutilsOpenCV-Pythonface-detection

Obstracle avoiding car Model Using Arduino Uno

Obstracle and Line following CarDjango, Raspberry Pi, Arduino Uno, Arduino IDE, C++, Node-RED, Python, Ultrasonic, Lidar, Picamera

Stocks King

Simplifying Stocks AnalysisNode.js, JavaScript, Node-RED, Yelp API, Streamlit.io, React.js


The Best Way To WEBILL NFTSolidity, Django, Next.js, Python, ethers.js, Ethereum, web3j, Web3.py, React.js, Polygon

Lady Buddy

Safety In Your HandJava, XML, Shared Preferences for storing local data, Implicit intents for sms, call and email, FusedLocationProviderClient API for efficient user location retrieval, Background Service, Broadcast Rec

