I am a passionate web developer with a keen eye for creativity. I love learning new technologies that will increase my productivity and become more efficient! With an attitude to learn, explore and create value. The key strengths I possess include communication skills, quick learning ability, creative problem-solving abilities. A flexible and detail-oriented person looking for opportunities to work. Also willing to do volunteer services to make the world a better place.
Hera Health
She for SheHTML, React, CSS, Flask, Python, GitHubSpaceVest
SUSTAINABLE INVESTING IN 2050Firebase, JavaScript, Flutter, Tailwind CSS, Material-UISafeSocial
A chrome extension used to block hateful and offensive comments on social media sites such as Youtube and TwitterJavaScript, TensorFlow, Keras, Python, GitHub, CSS3, FastAPI, HTML5SAVANT
All in one Research AssistantPostman, JWT, QuillJS, MERN stackINQUEST
Aid to Women Researchers around the 🌎Postman, Socket.IO, JWT, MERN stack, Material-UI, repl.it, pdftron, ReactPDFviewer, Quill.Js, ArXivSkills
- Zebpay - Tech Intern
- Working on a project to build a bot to automate AWS responses using AWS CLI and Python SDK.
- Creating slack bot to send alerts using Python.
- Built API using Python FastAPI, Postman and Redis for caching data.