
Devansh Soni

I'm a Computer Science Student having experience in Programming Languages like Java, Python, C\C++ as well as in various Web Designing Technologies like HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.
I am pretty much interested in performing analysis on Data using several Data Analytic Tools like Python, R.

I've done an internship in Data Science where I got to know about various problem-solving approaches in Data Science and various techniques for feature engineering, feature elimination, and various Machine Learning Algorithms.

Currently, I'm enrolled in one more internship of MLOPS where I am learning various tools of DevOps with several Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms in order to integrate these two technologies to automate various use cases that we face while creating Machine Learning Models.

In this training I've learned about DevOps toolslike Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Git and I've created a project to automate the process of Hyper Parameter Tuning by integrating Docker, Jenkins,Git and Deep Learning Algorithm called Convolutional Neural Network in order to get the best accuracy possible.

Apart from these trainings I've also worked as a freelancer and created projects on Django. I've performed tasks like Database Designing and Imlementation of Table Structures and writing queries (Most of all Nested Queries) in order to get the data and

I've also created API for an Android Application using Django.

As we know that a team is very must in order to achieve a task very efficiently, so i would also like to mention that all the above technical tasks i've done my team is really helped me so muchto achieve my targets on time with proper Project Management.


College connect

Connecting students, with professorsDjango, MySQL, Auth0

