
Asim Jawahir

Inquisitive programmer and a Computer Science enthusiast with great learning capabilities. Currently studying in NITK and set to graduate in 2024!


Loyalty Program

A software that helps businesses deploy a marketplace specifically for loyalty rewards in the form of ERC-20 tokens using Ethereum Blockchain for every successful purchase on their platform.OpenZeppelin, MetaMask, ethers.js, Mocha, Tailwind CSS, Hardhat, Chai, waffle, Next.js (React), TypeChain


A Blockchain-based EV-Battery swapping solutionReact, Arduino, ESP32, Tailwind CSS, Biconomy, web3.js, Hardhat, Polygon, IPFS / Filecoin, Push Protocol


Enter a dynamic 3D metaverse where you can connect, compete, and customize with players from around the world. Build your own virtual identity and explore a world of endless possibilities.Android, Unity, flow, Flow Unity SDK, Mirror


Empower Your Crypto Experience with a Personal Gen AI-Enabled AssistantNext.js, Flask, OpenAi, Tailwind CSS, Express, 1inch, Supabase, ThirdWeb, AIRSTACK


Machine Learning


  • Maverick Partners (UK) - GCP Machine Learning Engineer Remote
    December 2022 - January 2023

    • Developed, implemented, and fine-tuned machine learning models for a series of data-intensive applications, notably in the realms of image processing and time series forecasting.
    • Leveraged Google Cloud Platform’s BigQuery service for comprehensive data management, effectively storing, handling, and analyzing vast datasets to extract valuable insights and drive decision-making processes

  • Coinbase - SWE Intern Remote
    May 2023 - August 2023

    • Worked on advanced natural language processing tasks using Large Language Models (LLM), deriving actionable insights from customer data.
    • Designed and built a robust data processing pipeline using Apache Airfow 2 and AWS capable of efficiently handling an immense volume of data, up to 20,000 tickets per day. This pipeline was automated to run periodically.
    • Played a pivotal role in the company-wide adoption of the pipeline, enabling departments to extract valuable insights