When the system detects any hand movement near the power window, the window starts rotating in the opposite direction thus preventing the accidental winding up of the window.Machine Learning, Python, Image Processing, LabViewGAIT USING AI FOR SAFETY OF MILITARY MEN IN CAMPS
Gait recognition is the systematic study of any human being
or animal by extracting reliable gait features. Gait data is
acquired and analyzed by using image processing and machine
learning techniquesArtificial Intelligence, Database, GAIT RECOGNITIONLight Detection And Ranging - Destitute Of Vision
Visually Impaired people are in need of depending someone for doing their works. A cane type device helps them in navigating which is heavy weight. So we are desiging a hand held device.Bluetooth Module, Lidar Sensor, DHT11 Sensor, Hand Held Device, Visually Impairment People, Bluetooth Headset.Skills
Autodesk Electrical