I am a backend developer in Coding Club BITS Pilani.
I have a programming experience of over two years in C++ and over one year in Python and C. I have been working towards becoming a full stack developer.
I got fascinated by the idea of this hackathon to bring together women developers and designers .In India,the number of women who code is minimal as compared to men.We need to break the stereotypes. This community is the perfect place to collaborate and contribute using our technical skills. What we build will ultimately be useful for the society which is a great achievement. Also, this will provide me a platform to test my coding and critical thinking skills.
I am familiar with tools like Git and Python framework such as Django . I have also learnt HTML. I have recently contributed to a web project which was a question answer based game which had many participations during the technical fest of our college.
Lately I have been learning and working on some projects,hence I am in a good programming flow and I can assure you that I am capable of participating in this hackathon.