Mayank Patel

A third year student in Computer Science and Engineering
From K.J. Somaiya College Of Engineering ,Vidyavihar Mumbai.
Passion for developing new Software and exploring different technology stack .

Regularly practice Competitive Programming on Code chef and Hacker Rank portals .

Android Development : Have done many android based projects .

I have explored and done few projects which uses MERN Stack, Java , Flask .

Currently Exploring Blockchain Tech , Flutter .

Personal Website :

Anime Lover
Part Of Marvel Fanverse


MSRTC - Bus Reservation System

A common point for All Bus Related Queries .jQuery, Flask, Selenium, HTML5, PostgreSQL

Whatsapp Chat To JSON

An exported Whatsapp Chat text file to json object converter .Android, Python, Gson

Plant Disease Diagnosis Using Deep Learning

This app can classify any leaf disease by the image of the leaf .Flask, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, Android




  • Radness - Android Developer
    June 2019 - October 2019

    Developed adeployment Ready Android App with 2 other UI developer

    I worked on complete App side scripting and UI development as well

    including Integration of Admobs and Facebook Ads for monetization
    and Firebase Notification support .
    and other Third Party Libraries .

  • KJSCE - Summer Intern
    June 2018 - July 2018

    Developed an Android App for improving the communication between teachers and students .
    The App is an advanced replica of Google Classroom but with Rich interface and easier reachablity

  • IIT-Bombay & KJSCE - DL& Android Developer Intern
    June 2019 - September 2019

    This app can classify any leaf disease by the image of the leaf

    Converted A Pytorch model to TFLite model ,
    Integrated the TFLite model in android environment to classify images in offline mode at 97% accuracy.

    The internship was under E-Yantra , IIT-Bombay .