3rd year Computer Science ⋆ Contributor @hacktoberfest'22 ⋆ GDC Chandigarh ⋆ 4⭐ HackerRank ⋆ Postman Student Expert ⋆ Web Dev ⋆ Cloud Computing ⋆ Open Source
Rescue Buddy
"Stay Alert, Stay Safe,"---your co-pilot on the road. A machine learning algorithm to detect signs of drowsiness in real-time, alerting you when it's time to take a break and stay safe.TensorFlow, NumPy, Pygame, Twilio, cv2, Tensor.keras.modelDark-Humor-meme
A meme app that shows fresh and funny memeHTML, Bootstrap, React, CSS, JavaScriptRussia-Ukraine-News-API
Build an API that can fetch news from all over the world on Russia Ukraine Conflict news. To test the APIJS, JavaScript, axios, Cheerio, Express, APIMovie Monk
Movie App made using OMDB API. It will show the details of your desired movieCSS, JS, React'NoMan IPSUM
Lorem ipsum generators that generates Lorem Ipsum with paragraphHTML, React, CSS, JavaScriptSkills