Hi, myself Ayishik Das, a 19 year-old student from India. I am a part time web developer, android developer and full time Computer Science Engineering student and competitive coder. I have very keen interest in Web Development and I have actively tried to learn and explore online resources over these 1.5 years in my college which has subsequently made me more curious about this domain. I have actively participated in many hackathon and online seminars available to gain as much knowledge as I could gather. I have significant past experience in working with teams and managing them to execute successful projects. I am a very curious person by nature and I have a very strong urge to innovate. I’ve also learned to ask questions from different perspectives, which helped me a lot to overcome the biases in my thinking process. As a group project along with college friends I have participated in hackathons from MLH and many other organizations.
Currently I am doing an internship in Mood Indigo from IIT Bombay and attending the Global Hack Week December from MLH. Also I have successfully completed and contributed in Hactoberfest 2022. I have also been selected for IICC Round 2. Also I am learning React JS and SQL to sharpen my Web Development skills. I have utmost interest to complete and be a Full MERN Stack Developer.
I hope that my past work and experimental skills make me eligible for carrying out the intern role.