Atul Anand


Skill iconPython
Skill iconJava
Skill iconJavaScript

Raipur, India

I am Atul Anand and I am 15 years old and I am a medium level problem-solver. I code in java(mainly for competitive programming), I use the MERN stack to build websites and web apps, and I use Python for Machine Learning and Automation. Moreover, I am a beginner at all of the above (except java and problem solving, that's completely true) but I am trying to force myself to learn them actively and participate in open-source projects (although not remarkable progress). The projects that I have built and I am most proud of are an e-mail bot(as a fun-project but found to be very helpful), a Spotify clone app that uses Spotify's API to work, although last year I spend most of my time improving java and learning algorithms which for now not much representable.