
Athul Cyriac Ajay

Community is a Vibe. I'm happy to be a part of the vast and Welcoming Hacker Community. I'm currently in the Sophomore Year of College. I organise hackathons and workshops in my campus and is the Lead of the Open Source Community in my college. I'm also a GitHub Campus Expert.
The thing that drives me is The Power of Open Source and its ability to change lives.I strive to expand the community by learning myself new technologies and teaching others the same. I always wish to be a part of hackathons as they reduce the gap between education and technology. I always merge with the community/crowd in a matter of minutes and my networks makes me stronger. I do backend with Django , Postgres. Frontend with bits of React and Js and automation scripts with Python and Shell Scripts . I'm interested in working on any parts of the software which helps people and stands for the betterment of society. I also contribute to Open Source Projects in my free time. Some of them include the website, Gatsby, Mozilla etc....
I also deliver workshops on Git and GitHub at Hackathons. Python is my Drogon with JavaScript is my Rheagar. Postgres is my War Elephant. Machine Learning and Deep Learning is ❤️
One of the Best Projects I've done is a Library Management System in Django. This project was given to me by my College when I was in my First Year(Last year). All of my Django skills came after doing this. I've learned about REST API's and made one. You can find it as Project Libra.

PS. If you did read this whole. You might've got the Pun on Postgres



Democratizing decisions with a distributed ledger

