
Sparsh Sharma

Hey, I am Sparsh Sharma a third-year student from Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, Delhi University. Being a Computer Science student, I've worked on various programming languages such as Java, C++, Python, Javascript, etc. I like to solve coding problems at Leetcode and GeeksForGeeks and build projects which are useful in day-to-day life. My Open Source Journey started in March 2021 when I got selected for the GirlScript Summer Of Code where I worked on open source projects in the domain of full-stack web development. I worked on OpenSource projects and was able to implement a login/signup Gateway using the bcrypt method, Added Tooltips feature on the rate-us section using react-bootstrap, improved the UX by smoothening the transitions. And since then, my interest in open-source has increased exponentially. I have also solved more than 450+ problems on Leetcode and GeeksForGeeks in total. Also, recently we won hackCBS4.0, India's largest student-run hackathon with our hack called Musixverse an NFT marketplace for musicians and artists.



A platform to shake up the music industry! Musomatic is a dApp to take the power from centralized organizations (like Spotify) and put it back into the hands of musicians.Solidity, IPFS, React, Node.js, MetaMask, Infura, Adobe XD, Bootstrap​, Polygon, GetStream

