A modern and efficient approach for a better healthUsed React and tailwind for frontend., Used Node & express in the backend, MongoDb for the database., Used Mapbox for creating maps, nodemailer for sending mails, mongoose for modelling data, jsonwebThe VFL
We aim at providing an online wide market for the local product makers and give them an opportunity to open an online shop / store in order to promote , sell their goodsJava, XML, MongoDB, NodejsKo-Draw
Let's Paint it together...Socket.IO, MERN stack, Nodemailer, Tailwind CSSEco Certify
A project for Hack36 created with Nextjs, tailwind, Solidity, truffle, metamask. The smart contracts are deployed on Polygon TestNet and the documents are stored on IPFS via Verbwire APIs.Solidity, IPFS, MetaMask, Ethereum, nextjs, Truffle, Polygon, tailwind, verbwire