About Me:
I am a keen learner who is always ready to explore new fields and expand my knowledge. I have a good command on Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Analytics, Flask, GCP, etc. My key areas of interest are Backend Web Development and Machine Learning.
Winner Of Byteverse Hackathon 2023 (NIT Patna)
Amazon ML Challenge 2023 - Rank 31/8000
I also led my team in MINeD Hackathon 2023, where we stood in the top 30% all over India
I have also developed projects like:
The goal of this project is to develop a machine learning model that can accurately predict the length
dimension of a product using catalog metadata. Used pre-processing techniques like NLP (TF-IDF Vectorization) to prepare a 2.2 million sized dataset for Ridge Regression. Stood 31st amongst 5000 teams all over India.
The winning project of Byteverse Hackathon 2023 organized by NIT Patna. The project offers features like predicting potential skin cancer and recommending qualified doctors, detecting diseases from symptoms and recommending further medical attention, identifying diabetic retinopathy by analyzing images of the retina, and providing a dashboard for both doctors and patients
A patient registration product that aims to simplify the patient registration process and enhance security
by utilising facial recognition technology. Built a MERN Stack Interface with additional Firebase integration. Used FaceAPI for facial recognition, making the patient registration process extremely convenient.
My GitHub - https://github.com/Arshad-06
My LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/arshad-mapari-2a1465228/