
Wasique Haidry

I am a student pursuing B-Tech From KIIT in the computer science field and i am interested in music and playing instruments but more over i am interested in programming and solving problems along with it.
Pretty much I am like everyone who shows interest in hackathons and other tech related events


The Personal Voice Assistant

A voice assistant for everyday work.Python3.8, batch script

The AI Friend

Just as the project name suggests its a friend that can be useful from morning to nightbatch script, python 3.8

The AI Trait Seeker

This Project is all about how we can use artificial intelligence to find out more about the person with given information.Python3.8, batch script, ContextAPI

The Free World Game

This is a game that I build with Unreal Engine to solve the most awaited crime of this pandemic i.e BOREDOM and guess what this game has to offer, well A NEW WORLD.C++, Unreal Engine


Google Cloud Platform
Object-oriented Programming