
Anu Kumari

I am Anu Kumari persuing Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering department.

My career object is to explore myself, realize my potential and to develop as a professional by working in an innovative, competitive, performance enhancing, value adding environment provided by the company were both my technical and management skills be utilized.

I am Member of SAPTAK-music club at National Institute of Technology, Patna and also Member of PR team in TEDxNITP club at National Institute of Technology, Patna


Hacking The Overspeeders

Our project is basically a portal for the user to detect the speed of the vehicles crossing from front of it and also determines the direction of movement, can be used for security purposes.HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python - OpenCV, Python3, BRYTHON Library

COVID19 Vac-Med-App

Book your vaccines from the site,take self assessment, see stats of local areas ,and for admin we've a complete medical store management prototype. Add ,remove the orders,medicine and bill from app.jQuery, CSS, Flask, Python3, HTML5​


Web Designing
C programming