I am currently in my third year pursuing engineering degree. I have extensive technical knowledge and always keen on learning new stuff. I love to research and to go in depth of the topic of my interests. I have beginner level skills in web development. I am also familiar with app development using flutter. I am always intrigued by new technologies.
Study, track, save and invest!Dart, Python, Flutter, Zerodha APIPic-Pick
A Picture analyzer app builds through Machine Learning Kit.Android Studio, Dart, Flutter, Kotlin, GoogleMlKitFineta
Fineta is a mobile application that is built in order to track the expense of the user. In our app customers can customize their personal, contact details, and financial information.Firebase, Dart, Flutter, Figma, Twilio, Firestore, Firebase Authentication, Alan AI, ProviderETHFORMERS
Our game is a real-time multiplayer experience built using Flutter and incorporating NFTs. In this exciting game, each player is able to bid their NFTs, with the winner receiving the NFTs.Solidity, Flutter, Ethereum, Polygon, Filecoin, SupabaseSkills
Google Firebase