
Ananya Das

I am deeply passionate and motivated in my stream. However, I have always felt underrepresented, discriminated against and find it difficult to navigate in STEM networks.
I am currently enrolled in an Internship on Artificial Intelligence by Pantech Solutions. I am a core member of the research department of NSUT.AI, the artificial intelligence society of NSUT as a member of which I have and am currently participating in tasks related to machine learning, web-development and research. I am also a member of the Technology and Design department of DebSoc, the debating society of NSUT and a member of IEEE NSUT, Student Chapter.
As an Electronics and Communications Engineering student, my course curriculum involves computer programming. I have already completed courses in C and Python programming and Data Structures and Algorithms.
I am also currently enrolled in online courses on Udemy - 100 Days of Code (by Angela Yu), Web Development Bootcamp 2023 (by Angela Yu) and ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers (by DeepLearning.AI)
At the school level, I have participated in space hackathons requiring innovative solutions to problems in space. Technology has always excited me because of its power and usefulness in everything we do.


H.E.A.L. (Humanitarian Efforts for Aid of Life)

Make a Difference!HTML, CSS, Google Colab, GitHub, Google Forms, Canva, chatgpt, excalcidraw, gmeet


Data Structures
HTML, CSS , bootstrap