
Amritha Pallavoor

I'm always up for building a good program that incorporates lots of good Python modules.
Prior to this, I have built a Twitter Tweet-Bot that uses the Twitter API to stream tweets and ultimately generate a WordCloud that represents the phrases used often by a particular user.
Another project I have done quite recently is, a ChatBot. Using the NLTK library I was able to program a Bot that answers questions regarding a particular topic it has been trained in. This was done using algorithms like data lemmatization and TFIDF Vectorization.
I look forward to creating more advanced and interesting programs in the near future!


AI For Sign Language

The goal of this project is to create an AI enabled system which will generate a text conversion of hand-gesture based signs, made using American Sign Language by the user, by training a DL model.Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision


Artificial Neural Network