3rd Year CSE undergrad from BIT, Mesra
Full stack developer.
I'm interested in learning new technology, and always eager to learn new stuff.I am looking for an opportunity to showcase my skills.
Web App to organize quiz easily.React, JavaScript, Machine Learning, MongoDB, Nodejs, expressjs, NLPQuizen
Webapp for organising quiz.React, JavaScript, Machine Learning, Python, MongoDB, Nodejs, expressjs, NLPCodingDuel
This webApp is for 1 v/s 1 programming contest on random problems from codeforces.WebSockets, WebRTC, MongoDB, jsonwebtoken, Nodejs, reactjs, CodeforcesAPIVideo Chat app
Peer-to-peer video calling app.WebSockets, WebRTC, NodejsBuild Automation Tool
Able to explore the given dependencies, create the “action graph”,
and be capable of executing the given actions.JavaScript, NodejsSkills
Data Structures
Object-oriented Programming