I am a Web Designer/Developer and CPP Programmer.
Hackathons always excite me.
I am a consistent learner and want to participate in coding and Web3 events
Learning with hands-on practice is way more easier than getting into tutorial hell.
I learned a lot while contributing to opensource on web dev projects.JS, CSS3, HTML5gitnft
A personalized Github NFT for your resume. Just type your github username and we provide you with your personalised NFT. to prepare you for different job profiles.Solidity, React, Node.js, HTML/CSS, Remix (IDE), Polygon Mumbai TestnetCastly
Fish out the root of the ProblemHTML, Firebase, CSS, JS, talwind css, mdbbootstrapKutumb DAO
Revolutionize Data DAO with our multi-channel team communication, seamless file sharing, streamings and more, all in one platform.Solidity, IPFS, Next.js, ethers.js, Hardhat, Filecoin, Arcana, Web3.Storage, fvmSkills
Google Cloud Platform
- Appointy - Software Engineer Intern
May 2024 - May 2024
Worked over AI models, and Web Servers.
Built a strong foundation in software fundamentals.
- Keploy - API Fellowship
February 2023 - April 2023
Worked with Golang APIs and learned API testing tool Keploy