
Chris Pagolu


Skill iconPython
Skill iconJavaScript
Skill iconTypeScript

Sydney, Australia

I'm Chris Pagolu, a second-year student at UNSW Sydney, pursuing a double degree in Quantum Engineering and Computer Science. I'm passionate about AI, machine learning, and data-driven solutions, and I enjoy building projects that apply these technologies to solve real-world problems.


  1. cycling.ai: A comprehensive multi-platform app for cyclists that offers route planning and health insights. It integrates AI tools like Google Gemini Flash and OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 to provide real-time data on routes, elevation, health analysis, and personalized recommendations.
  2. DeepSonic: An open-source deep learning experiment in music synthesis and remixing. Using tools like Magenta and OpenAI’s Jukebox, DeepSonic allows users to generate, modify, and remix music tracks, showcasing the potential of AI in creative fields.

My background in Python programming, circuit design, and machine learning has helped me create these projects, and I’m excited to bring this experience to collaborative hackathon projects!