I am a blockchain developer working at Lampros Tech. I did participate in multiple hackathons organized by EthGlobal. I have worked on various domains such as Data Visualization, Data Scraping, Web Development, Smart contract Development, and NFTs. I also worked in front-end technologies like React and Next.
xCompute Protocol
Faster computation & lesser gas fees on blockchains!Connext, solidi, PolygonStake.Yard
Stake your tokens and let the interest of the staked money pay for your subscription.Solidity, React, AAVE, PolygonEmbark
Empowering Web3 Explorers: Where DAOs Meet, Minds Unite, and Knowledge Blossoms – Join the Huddle01 Revolution in DAO Education!Solidity, React, Next.js, Flask, TypeScript, Speech Recognition, OpenAiSkills