
Saurabh Agarwala

NITK IT 2021 | Google Dev Club NITK Head | Microsoft Student Ambassador | SIH 2020 Winner | MLH Fellow 2020 | VISA Intern 2020 | IIT-B Intern 2019


The Safety Navigator

Find safe locations without InternetJS, Django, Heroku, Google Maps API, React Native, Zulip

Decentralised Portfolio

Invest according to market sentiments with the power of decentralizationHTML, Bootstrap, CSS, JS, Django, Python, Web3, Ethereum, Portis, Code Sandbox


Betting DAPPSolidity, MetaMask, Matic


Transact securely with Crypto UPI TokensSolidity, HTML, JS, CSS3, Matic, Ethereum, Portis


Cloud Computing


  • Major League Hacking - Summer Fellow
    June 2020 - August 2020
    • Improved developer experience by implementing type definition tests for Jest, an open-source project by Facebook
    • Developed a generic custom runner which uses tsd to execute type tests in node libraries.
  • Visa - Summer Intern
    May 2020 - July 2020
    • Developed an application using VISA APIs for instant money transfers to cardholders without direct access to ATM.
    • Wrote a whitepaper about a possible collaboration between payment banks and telecoms to make daily payments easier.
  • IIT Bombay - Winter Intern
    December 2019 - January 2020
    • Improved the usability of a free, open-source tool for chemical process simulation and modelling.
    • Added eight major user interface components and functionalities using Python, Qt and OpenModelica.
  • Binaize Labs - AI Intern
    May 2019 - July 2019
    • Implemented time series models and attribute-based models for sales forecasting of a retail brand.
    • Optimized the models to reduce training time and inference time.