Interested in programming.
We make farming affordable and accessibleHTML, CSS, JavaScriptRiseBot
Get your personal programming assistant to improve your experienceBootstrap, SASS, Python, JSON, HTML/CSS, discord.pyDeThread
Conversations Unbound, Thoughts UnfilteredSolidity, React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Chrome ExtensionSecureEvidence
SecureEvidence is a modern web application leveraging InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) technology to enhance evidence integrity and security.Solidity, React, Tailwind CSS, HardhatDeThreads
DeThreads Aims to Solve Issues Censorship issues in conversations in social media platforms and to make a fully free and censorship-free conversation thread.Solidity, React, TypeScript, Chrome Extension, tailwindDIGADOS
An NFT selling company portfolio. This website features a simple design with minimal elements.HTML, CSSBanglore House price prediction
An ML model that predicts the prices of real estate in the Banglore region.HTML, CSS, JS, Flask, scikit-learn, NumPy, pandas, MatplotlibLaptop Price Predictor
A Machine Learning Model that predicts the prices of laptops.scikit-learn, NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib, Python, StreamlitSentiment Analysis on texts
This project analyzes texts and outputs the sentiment as positive or negative.pandas, Python, Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), scikit-learn libraryloan-status-and-risk-profiling
A machine Learning model that returns the loan status (whether the loan will be defaulted or not),.. whether the loan will be approved or not,.. from user input.scikit-learn, pandas, Matplotlib, Python, StreamlitSkills