Rinki Shaw

I am a 2nd-year BCA student with a love for tech. From learning Python ,Tailwind, HTML and CSS to using Git and Gitub to managing code, I enjoy working with various programming languages to create beautiful and functional designs. I'm also learning React to stay on top of current trends and ensure that I'm always up-to-date with the latest industry standards.

One of my favorite aspects of tech is the ability to connect with new people and explore new fields. I'm always eager to learn from others and share my knowledge, which is why I organize online sessions for my college friends. These sessions provide a platform for us to learn, grow, and support each other's growth.

Overall, I am a curious and driven individual with a passion for tech. I look forward to utilizing my skills and experience to make a positive impact in the field and beyond.



A decentralized Smart contarct platform for companies, where they can hire auditors powered by TheGraph and Polygon MumbaiReact, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), The Graph, TailWindCSS, chakraui, Polygon Mumbai Testnet, Zeeve

