
Kundan Mishra

Hi, there!

I'm a programmer, developer and computer science undergrad, mostly building decentralised applications and projects on the Blockchain. I have experience in building full-stack dapps on Ethereum & Polygon.

Some of my notable builds include:

  • Wave Portal - A decentralised social media application
  • Meta Saga - an NFT marketplace on polygon
  • Polyname - a project for customised naming service on Polygon.
  • Degen Devs - an NFT collection of Degen Developers.
  • Pokemon master - a game for choosing random pokemon using Chainlink VRF.

Tools & Technologies I use

What am I currently doing?

  • Learning Rust
  • Exploring Web assembly
  • Learning about WASM based smart contracts
  • Exploring Non EVM chains

Github Stats


Reach out to me:

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Your data, your choice, your rulesSolidity, IPFS, React, JavaScript, Nodejs, Hardhat, Yarn


FLASH is a decentralised lending and borrowing platform. Deposit some ETH and earn NDL stablecoins. Repay stablecoins and get your ETH back. FLASH is secure, fast and reliable.Solidity, React, JavaScript, Ethereum, Chainlink, Tailwind CSS, Hardhat, alchemy, ethersjs, oracle


A simple and secure social media dapp for sharing content on polygon network anonymouslySolidity, IPFS, React, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, Smart Contracts, Polygon, foundry




  • Autify Network - Blockchain Intern
    April 2022 - May 2022

    Worked as a blockchain intern at Autify Network building blockchain-based solutions to manage the supply chain and track down counterfeit products using NFC tags, NFT, and other technologies to help tackle the problems of the retail industry.

  • Think Act Rise Foundation - Web developer intern
    October 2021 - January 2022

    Worked as a react developer intern and contributed to a full stack platform for farmers to sell cattles online. Built intriguing user Interfaces using react libraries and frameworks.

  • Polygon - Beginner web3 fellow
    June 2022 - August 2022

    Worked as a web3 fellow under the guidance of folks from Polygon and Devfolio. Learned essential web3 skills and built and presented 3FORMS in the last week of the fellowship