
Manish Shivabhakti

Hi! I am Manish Shivabhakti, a Computer Engineering Student in my Junior year at Kathmandu University. Currently, I am a Machine Learning Coordinator at Kathmandu University Open Source Community, under Kathmandu Computer Club.

My preferred languages are C, C++, Typescript, Rust, and Python. My skills include Full Stack Development using MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Nodejs) Stack, Machine Learning using TensorFlow, IOT using ESP32 microcontroller, and App Development using React Native.

I love working under pressure and building solutions within the given time frame, that's why I participate in hackathons conducted around me whenever possible.

Currently, I am working on several projects. Some of the mentionable projects are:

  1. Lifeline, an elderly health care toolkit with a pill dispenser and wristband, which is well-connected with the mobile application, built using ESP32, React Native, other hardware like MPU6050, RF tag, and reader, stepper motors, GSM and GPS module.
    Github link: https://github.com/the-idealism/lifeline

  2. Learnr, an online learning platform, for self-learners, which is currently in development. This web app is created to empower the self-learners with a roadmap course recommendations and a discussion forum. This was built using, MERN stack, and TensorFlow for the course recommendation
    Github link: https://github.com/orgs/LearnrNetwork/repositories

  3. Other projects that I have done as assignments semester projects are:
    a. Sentiment Analysis (TfidfVectorizer and Multinominal Naive Bayes classifier)
    b. Fashion Apparel Classification (CNN with Keras )
    c. Content Management System (MERN Stack)
    d. 16-bit computer (in Logisim simulator, as the fulfillment of Computer Organization and Architecture mini-project)
    e. Sign-O (Sign language translator using LSTM, for KU hackfest 2022)

Github profile: https://github.com/TheManysh


Decentralized Energy Network (DEN)

Each Home, a Power Dome! IoT integrated with Blockchain to decentralize energy trading. It Incentivizes renewable energy production and enabling peer-to-peer transactions.MetaMask, Internet of Things (IoT), ESP32, Ethereum, Blockchain, Tailwind CSS, React.js, Polygon


Machine Learning