
Antony Ranjith

Hi there! I'm a blockchain developer with experience in writing and implementing smart contracts on multiple blockchain platforms. I have a particular interest in decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), having worked on a range of projects in these areas, including dex aggregators, crypto wallets fractionalised NFTs.

In addition to my technical expertise, I'm a strong believer in the power of decentralization to create more equitable and accessible products and services. I'm always looking to learn more about the latest developments in the blockchain space and how they can be applied to improve the user experience.

With a background in both frontend and backend development, I'm comfortable working with a range of technologies, including Node.js, Solidity, and Move. I'm also experienced in smart contract integrations and have a passion for building user-friendly products that make the most of blockchain's unique capabilities.

Overall, my goal is to use my skills and knowledge to create innovative and valuable solutions that make a positive impact on the world. I'm always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow in this exciting field, and I'm excited to connect with others in the blockchain community to explore new opportunities to collaborate and grow together. Let's connect and explore the possibilities!



Any Chain, AnywhereSmart Contract, ethers.js, GitHub, Arbitrum Rollup, Vercel, Polygon Blockchain, EF: Account Abstraction, Mantle, Scroll, BASE




  • Kana Labs - Blockchain Developer