Inside ETHIndia 2023: Building the Impossible with Ethereum

Remember the insane amounts of energy crackling through Bangalore last month? Yep, that was ETHIndia '23 for you—full of pure adrenaline and mind-blowing ideas—stemming straight from the minds of brilliant Ethereum builders.

Over 1500 hackers, 480+ projects, and a shared mission to push the boundaries of what's possible with Ethereum. But ETHIndia wasn't just about the code. It was about the people. People who pushed through days and nights fueled by coffee (or shall we say fruits?), camaraderie, and a  passion to power through challenges.

The collective aim? To build the impossible. In a remarkable journey that took innovation to new heights, ETHIndia 2023 surpassed expectations, delivering on its promise of taking the Ethereum community to a level beyond. Now, we'll be dissecting the projects, reliving the epic moments, and sharing a few insider info. So keep reading.

A Hackathon, Not a Conference!

The opening day of ETHIndia '23 marked a spirited kickoff, brimming with energy and excitement as participants geared up for the hackathon ahead. Workshops, serving as a gateway for the builders to explore the myriad of possibilities in tech, covered everything from crafting a winning project at ETHIndia to delving into the intricacies of UI/UX, smart contracts, and building dApps.

The venue itself became a vibrant canvas with stunning graffiti, setting a perfect stage for creativity and innovation.

Swag bags, brimming with exclusive items, added a tangible, exciting element to the hackathon experience. The opening ceremony, led by Denver and Kartik, welcomed builders once again, kicking off the hackathon with a renewed spirit.

Keynote speakers Juan Benet from Filecoin and Sandeep Nailwal from Polygon took us down memory lane, revisiting their origins and tracing their inspiring journeys.

Our partners took the stage next to share the jaw-dropping prizes that would be up for grabs during the hackathon.

As soon as the clock struck 9 PM, the building commenced, and the hackers settled in for a gruelling 36 hours of non-stop coding. With round-the-clock coffee and food, we made sure that our builders were well-fueled for the challenge.

Day 2: Hacking Going Strong

Day 2 at ETHIndia 2023 was packed with fun, starting with a talk by James Tunnigley, "The Builder-Hero's Journey," setting the stage for an epic day. But it wasn't all work and no play – far from it!

Amid the coding adventures, we took a break for a midnight jam session. Picture a room filled with music and code, bringing everyone together for a rhythmic, fun-filled night. The melodies echoed no less than the collaborative spirit of our builders.

Then we dabbled in some pottery and played foosball and badminton, because, of course, balance is key. ;) When the night grew late, the builders returned their focus to the task at hand – finishing their projects before the deadline, approaching 9 am the next morning.

Countdown to the Finale

Day 3 at ETHIndia '23 marked the grand finale, project submission deadline, judging, and project demos by the finalists! 3, 2, 1, hands off the keyboard—and just like that, hacking came to a close, leaving the builders on the edge of their seats as they took a sigh of relief!

Next up was Judging, where the fruits of countless hours of hard work were laid down for evaluation. This year, the bar was raised with a staggering 480+ projects spanning dev tooling, DeFi, public goods, infrastructure, and gaming.

Check out the finalists in this thread, or go to the projects page at!

Quadratic Voting

Adding another $20,000 to the $250k+ overall prize pool, Quadratic Voting (QV) took centre stage next.

Quadratic Voting is a collective decision-making process that goes beyond a simple yes or no vote, enabling people to choose the intensity of their preferences.

This was the time for decentralized decision-making to support the projects that resonated most with the community.

Check out the QV leaderboard here:

As the curtains closed on the hackathon, the after-party, powered by 1inch, became the perfect backdrop for the celebration. It was time to revel in the accomplishments, toast to the future of Ethereum, and bask in the collective excitement of a memorable ETHIndia '23.

Drawing the Curtains 🎦

As we bid farewell to ETHIndia '23, it's time to pause and soak in the incredible journey we've shared. From coding marathons to creative breakthroughs, the hackathon was a testament to the brilliance of our community.

To keep this spirit echoing, we're rewarding all the winners and participants with exclusive SBTs serving as proof-of-work for their commendable building sprint. Claim them here and hold onto these digital mementoes as a symbol of your contributions and the vibrant community we've built together.

Cheers to the Projects! 🥳

Our ETHIndia '23 journey doesn't end here! It's time you support your favourite projects with Crypto Cheer! Here's how:

  1. Navigate to the projects page for ETHIndia '23.
  2. Click on "Cheer Project" in the top left corner.
  3. Add the stickers to the Cheer Basket.
  4. Connect your wallet.
  5. Complete the transaction.

Keep an eye out for an exciting live stream where we’ll be cheering for the top projects with our frens. :)

Until next time! 🫶

A heartfelt thank you to all participants, partners, speakers, and organizers. Your passion and dedication fueled the success of ETHIndia '23, and for that, we're grateful!

As the dust settles, we're left with a question: what's next? Well, the answer is simple: We keep building. We keep pushing the limits of Ethereum. We keep proving that impossible is just a few lines of code away.

The Ethereum community is a force to be reckoned with, and ETHIndia '23 was just a taste of what we're capable of.

Stay tuned for more updates and interact with the Devfolio community at:

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Until then, Never Stop Building 🛠️