hi there ! i am a student of first year of ravenshaw university . Until your group came to our college i was little aware or what i can say least aware of hackathon and all . okay now in day 1 that is 3 of march there was workshop on conversational ui which was most facisnating . although we were given task to develop our own chat bot where i developed a chat bot on a cafe shop where it would accept order and deliver to you. next the prototype designin which i designed a health care prototype app. And i also could work on bootstrap etc . Overall i can design a prototype of an app ,create a chatbotand also could make some front end work . the thing that drives me to the participation is the hackathon where i could learn many things and compete enhance my knowledge . Most important thing is i have worked on the health care app prototype and cafe chat bot design in which i was shortlisted to attend. Looking forward for a whole new experience as this would me my first hackathon . And i win or not but i would suerly gain new experience and would suerly definitely compete with all my power.