I have been working on my GSoC project : Implementing blackholing in Gatekeeper since May, 2018. I am proud of it because it is my first project with a large organization which will be used in production. I have implemented two data streaming algorithms(space saving + RHHH algorithms) in the project till now and have achieved an limiting accuracy of 95% and performance speed of upto 10.6 million packets per second.
- The memory usage of the algorithm was much more than our specifications for the project. Hence, I had to study several research papers for optimizing the memory usage of the algorithms and tried out various implementations for the algorithms.
- No description about IPv6 implementation of the algorihtms had been provided in the research papers of the algorithms. I had to design their implementation by myself.
GSoC Project link : https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/projects/#5083627818319872
Github repository links :
- https://github.com/AltraMayor/gatekeeper/pull/94
- https://github.com/gogapp/gatekeeper/pull/1
Tall Claims
"Gatorade hydrates more than water". In todays world we are surrounded by tall claims. "Tall claims" is a blockchain solution that solves and puts power in the hand of consumersSolidity, HTML, CSS, JSSkills