
Harsh Kumar

This is my chance to tell you more about myself !
Things I'm good at, what drives me and interesting projects I've built.


Drowsiness Detection

"Stay alert, stay safe -detect drowsiness before it's to lateJava, Python, Ml, API, Technology we for creating the software are:-, JDk, DeepLearing

Drowsiness Detection System

"Stay alert, stay safe -detect drowsiness before it's to lateJava, Python, Ml, , API, Technology we for creating the software are:-, JDk, DeepLearing

Drowsiness Detection

"Stay alert, stay safe -detect drowsiness before it's to late"Java, Python, Ml, API, Technology we for creating the software are:-, JDk, DeepLearing


GenerativeAI HealthFitness PlatformHTML, CSS, JS, Postman, MongoDB, Auth0, GenerativeAI, gemini, Streamlet, VisonPro

Bringing Public Speaking to Everyone – Learning to Empower your VoiceJavaScript, Next.js, SASS, Python, Vercel, youtube, TailWindCSS, langchain, google-cloud-speech


Problem solving
Web Designing