
Anushka Jain

At IGDTUW, I am a pre-final student. I am a keen learner. My main areas of interest are web development and design. I've had some experience with the MERN stack. I'm a Java programmer.



Your “Virtual Clinic”. A patient focussed website that allows people to communicate with medical experts without having to go to the hospital.HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JWT, Express.js, MongoDB, SCSS, Nodemailer, mongoose, Nodejs

Virtual Hospital

A website that allows people to get a 3D AR experience of hospitalsJavaScript, HTML/CSS, echoAR

Virtual Hospital (AR)

A website that allows people to get a 3D AR experience of hospitals.HTML, JavaScript, AR, Blender, echoAR, CSS3​


Data Structures
React JS
Object-oriented Programming
DAtabase management


  • Microsoft - Mentee
    June 2021 - July 2021

    • Got selected among 800+ students from a pool of 15k+ students across the country.
    • Worked on the MS Teams Clone web app using Nodejs, Webrtc and sockets under the guidance of mentors working at
    Microsoft. Link to the repository: MS Teams Clone

  • Technical Zen - Web Developer
    October 2021 - December 2021

    Worked on an NGO website for EKA foundation as a web developer.